Years ago, my family and i lived in a flat on the 3rd floor of a 7 storey building. One fateful day, we were in the sitting room, watching TV and suddenly we heard an uproar probably coming from the 5th floor. As expected, we minded our business. Then shortly after, we heard a thud downstairs. Out of curiosity, we all rushed to the window to check what was it. We found out one of the people causing an uproar had just thrown down a 25inches TV set out of anger. Well, what other way to express your annoyance than to cause an impact as serious as that. Lol.

Now, Anger........

There are a lot of things that talks about it. A lot of verses in the Bible talks about it too. There are many occasions in the Bible that tells us God was angry with his people. Even Jesus Christ too got angry at a point. All these tells us that Anger is not a respecter of person. Anybody can get angry anytime. It is a feeling. Just like being in love, feeling sad and getting hungry, everyone at one point or the other must get angry.
Expressing it is what makes us different.
Yes!  We all get angry at a point but we don't all react to it the same way.
The book of Proverbs chapter 15 vs 1 says "A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger".

Looking at the above scripture, we will discover that anger is a part of life. The only way you won't hear grievous words is if you live alone on an island which is impossible, because Social and Mental health is as important as Physical health. After you've interacted with people for quite some number of years, you are bound to hear some words that will hurt. I once read a quote which says "Words normally don't hurt, except the person who said it means something to you". Don't expect to hear grievous words as written in the Bible, from strangers, rather expect it from people close to you and prepare for it.

Anger is just a word short of Danger.

Anger is the only thing that can make a woman carry a 25 inches TV and throw it out of the window.
Ask this same woman tomorrow to carry something less than the weight of a TV and you will see she won't be able to carry it.

Somehow Somehow, anger brings strength. Science explains that it is as a result of the impulses sent to the brain after a stimulus occurs, the brain thereby responds by making the adrenal gland to secrete more adrenaline which in turn causes the heart to beat faster. More blood is pumped out, inside the blood is glucose which gives the muscles and bones more strength.
This scenario occurs within seconds, but what is done within those few seconds has a lot of things to say about the person involved.
You can't say you know someone if you haven't seen his/her reaction when angry.
A lot of marriage counsellors ask intending couples if they've seen their spouse get angry in their presence before. Even the most passive of all the temperaments we have gets angry but they don't explode like the most active will.

Going back to the Bible, the book of Ecclesiastes says that "Anger rests in the bosom of fools". The same Bible in Ephesians says "Be angry and sin not"

Now, how can you be angry and not be called a fool or how can you be angry without getting into sin? Here are few tips on how.

1. When someone gets you angry. Before you respond whether in words or in action, count up to 10. By the time you are done counting, the rage would have decreased by at least a 50% chance.

2. If you are the type that will rather talk than act. Pick your words carefully after counting up to 10 because you can end up hurting the person 10 times more. Words are like eggs, you can't pick them once it's broken.

3. If you will rather act than talk. Walk away. It's better you avoid the person than do what you will later regret.

4. Most times, the person making you angry keeps quiet when you don't respond to the millions of things said. In that way, he/she will calm down and you guys can talk about it amicably.

5. If the person making you angry is in the wrong. Still keep calm. Keeping calm increases the chance of that person realising how wrong he/she is.

6. Be quick to get over issues whether the person apologises or not. Having the mind that anybody can make you angry before it happens is a good way to overcome this.

Thanks for reading.


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