"That was such a wonderful presentation Kunle, i am so proud of you" Chief Olasanmi said with a radiant smile on his face as he shook hands with Kunle. They had just finished a board meeting in which Kunle made a presentation to the board members about the next project the company was going to embark on.  Kunle kept on checking Feyi's countenance throughout his presentation and he found out she was the only one not fully in support of his ideas. Her index finger was on her lips throughout his presentation despite the fact that the rest of the board members were glaringly in support of Kunle as they kept on nodding in agreement. His confidence dropped each moment his eyes caught Feyi's but he managed to scale through especially with the full backing of her father.


"That was a job well done"

Kunle had just finished talking with some members of the board when he suddenly heard that voice behind him. He couldn't believe his ears as to where the voice came from, so he turned around to confirm.


"I said that was a job well done" she repeated, as she walked closer to him.

Kunle stood still, speechless. He couldn't believe both his ears and eyes. The lady that made him less a man just a couple of minutes ago just commended him. It's really unbelievable!

"So are you just going to stand there and look like you're lost for words?" she uttered, with her hands akimbo.

"Uhmmmm" he cleared his throat "I'm sorry's just that i wasn't expecting it"

"hmmmmm, well that's understandable" she smiled. Since Feyi got into the company, none of the employees had seen her smile. She's always putting on a serious face. She looked more beautiful when she smiled and Kunle smiled back.

She turned around and started walking towards her office then she suddenly stopped and looked back. Kunle was still there at the spot feeling so fulfilled that she's in support of his proposal.

"Today is my birthday and I'm having a small party at my Dad's house by 7pm this evening. You are invited" she said, then smiled again and continued walking towards her office without hearing his reply.

"Happy Birthday to you Ma" he shouted to her hearing. She didn't reply him a word before she opened her office door and walked in.


She doubled her steps when she saw her dishing the spaghetti from the pot.

"Don't finish the spag jare" she shouted as she held her hand to prevent her from taking another spoonful.

"Aha! Why na?  Shey i will cook food and won't eat well again ni" Bola replied her, half seriously.

"I will eat"

"Eat what?" she gave her a ridiculous look. "sebi you said Kunle is taking you out for dinner"

Dayo's countenance suddenly went from zero to a minus immediately Bola made the statement. She dropped the plate she took to dish out her food.

"He called some minutes ago to cancel. He said his boss invited him to her birthday party. I even suggested we go together but he refused, he said he's just starting to be in her good book"

"So?" Bola shrugged "What has both of you going together got to do with him being in her good books"

Dayo shrugged with a 'i don't know' look.

"Hmmmmn" Bola sighed and went for a cup to take water.

"What is it Bola?" she could read a meaning to her hmmmm.

Bola took water from the tap and faced Dayo.

"As far as i can remember, this is not the first time Kunle will do this to you"

"what exactly are you driving at?"

"Do you remember last year December when his company organised a Christmas party and he managed to talk his way out of taking you with him to the party........" she paused  "That you followed me to that musical concert" she added when Dayo didn't seem to remember.

"Well, if you don't remember. I do"

"You still haven't answered my question. What exactly are you driving at?" Dayo uttered.

"If you still can't see where I'm going with this, then it's better we leave it that way" Bola said, taking her food and water. "meet me in the sitting room"


He manoeuvred into the compound systematically, found a nice spot to park his car. Then he checked his reflection in the mirror and adjusted his bow tie before coming out of the car. He was almost knocking on the giant wooden door that opens the way into the mansion when he suddenly  remembered he didn't take the gift he bought from the boot of his car. He had stopped over at a supermarket to get a gift for the birthday girl.

"I thought you weren't going to make it"

Kunle got into the mansion and saw some of Feyi's friends. There's a cool song playing in the background and drinks were all over the place, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. He started looking around for Feyi but she was nowhere to be found, he decided to take a tour round the house since he's the only odd person around. All of Feyi's friends are from well to do families and it was visibly written on them. They chatted and laughed loud. Kunle entered a small furnished sitting room located at another area in the house when he suddenly heard a voice. He turned around and saw Feyi. She was wearing a dazzling long purple dress and she looked awesome in it. He went mute, admiring her, then he cleared his throat.

"Sorry i arrived late Ma, i had to branch somewhere" he replied

"Are you this humble or I'm the one proud?" she asked, coming close to him and leaving Kunle with a confused countenance.

"I don't seem to get you ma"

"Let's leave the respect for office use.....we are not at work, so just call me Feyi" she said, sitting down and crossing her legs. Kunle smiled and sat, sitting opposite to her.

"I can see you aren't enjoying yourself as i hope you would"

"Well, I wasn't actually hoping to since i know i'd probably feel odd" Kunle replied.

  She smiled for the first time that night.

"I am sorry for that. Most of them are my friends back in the States"

"hmmmmm" Kunle sighed

They were still familiarising with themselves when one of Feyi's friends, Bianca suddenly ran in.

"Feyi, where have you been? We've been looking all over the place for you. It's time to cut your birthday cake" she said as she pulled her up and dragged her into the main sitting room, leaving Kunle seated alone. He later got up and joined them in the main sitting room.


The following day was a Saturday. Before Kunle got a job, he and Dayo spend their Saturdays together praying, talking, going out and doing everything possible to keep each other's company. Since Kunle called to cancel their dinner the previous night, he hasn't called back. After Feyi cut her birthday cake, her friends propelled her to dance. She got carried away and forgot all about Kunle within seconds. He lurked around for an hour and later resolved to going home since it doesn't seem like he still existed in Feyi's world. He got home and jumped on bed.

The knock on his door woke him the following morning. He got out of bed reluctantly, to check who's at the door.

©Toluwanimi Odeniyi


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