CHAPTER 7

Kunle stylishly dropped his phone. He didn't want Feyi to have the slightest idea about Dayo getting angry. He couldn't even get himself to tell Dayo the reason why he couldn't make it and Dayo was too angry to ask. He had called Dayo on his way to drop Feyi after the mechanic left with the cab Feyi ordered.

"Trouble in paradise?" Feyi asked

Kunle smiled but didn't reply.

"I seem to be the cynosure of misunderstanding between you two recently. I'm sorry"

"You don't have to. She has no idea i cancelled because of you"

"Ooh okay" she paused, then continued "Well, i know i haven't been particularly friendly to you for some days now and i can't help but feel unworthy for the inconvenience I'm causing you" she said solemnly

"You don't have to feel that way Ma. You are not only my boss, but also a lady and it's rude to leave a lady stranded"  Kunle replied with a smile.

"Hmmmmm" she sighed, then she readjusted herself on the averagely comfortable chair of Kunle's Toyota Corolla quest.

"You see Kunle, there's something about you I'm yet to lay my fingers on.  I just feel a whole much better whenever I'm with you" she scoffed

"Jezz! Did i just say that?" she thought. "I can't possibly be having feelings for him" she thought further.

Kunle faked a cough, in a bid to pretend he didn't hear Feyi's last statement. Now, he couldn't wait to reach Feyi's mansion just so he could be free from her scorching gaze.

Feyi suddenly went mute and fed her eyes on the darkness outside the window. She couldn't believe she just made a move on Kunle, her subordinate. She cursed herself for feeling so attached to him.

"We are here Ma" Kunle finally announced as he pull a stop in the front of her father's mansion.

Feyi hopped out without saying a word. She closed the door and was about walking away, then she suddenly bent over Kunle's car.

"Don't you dare tell a soul about what i said tonight" she gave him a threatened look and walked away. The gateman opened for her after she knocked vigorously. Kunle watched her walk in through the gate before he started his car engine and drove off.

"Arrogant brat!" he muttered under his breath. He hated her gut and can't help but regret ever offering to help. "i cancelled my meeting with Dayo just to make sure she gets home safely and i didn't even get a thank you" he hissed angrily.


Feyi tried her best not to make a sound as she crept into the house. All she wanted at that particular point in time is a hot bath and a meal. She guessed the maid would have gone to bed by now, she branched into the kitchen to check if she had kept her food.

"So who dropped you?" a voice suddenly came to life.

She turned around and saw her father standing at the kitchen door in his night robe.

"Oh! It was Kunle. He was working late" she replied, her mouth full of chicken. She had seen it lying around the kitchen.

"Hmmmmm. Kunle again" he walked into the kitchen and folded his arms as he leaned on the giant kitchen fridge.

"Uhmmm, what is that supposed to mean Dad?" she asked almost jokingly

"He was the only one you invited for your birthday party and now he's your knight in shining armour, just right in time to save the day"

Feyi shrugged, without giving a reply. She didn't know her Dad had stayed up late to see her arrive.

"Feyi, what's going on between you and Kunle" he dropped the bombshell

Feyi bursted into an uncontrollable laughter.

"C'mon Dad! How could you even ask such a question? How can something possibly be between me and my subordinate. Aha!  Dad!" she rolled her eyes.

"So your subordinate is not a human being right?"

Feyi went dump

"Well, just for your information. I can see the way your face lits up whenever his name is mentioned even though you try covering it. Kunle is indeed a nice boy, very diligent, hardworking, smart and handsome too"

Feyi smiled

"But you must discard whatever feelings you may have for him"

Feyi's countenance changed immediately.

"But why Dad?"

"So you definitely have feelings for him" he laughed heartily as Feyi tried to shy away from the question.

"You like Kunle Dad, i know you do. So why can't i be with him" she asked, after giving him time to laugh alone

"Yes i do. He's like a son to me. Do you know he's happily engaged?"

"Hmmmmm" she rolled her eyes "To a maid, yes" she muttered under her breath.

"So that's enough reason for you to keep off" her father said as he walked out of the kitchen, "Remember to switch off the light when you get out" he said, on his way back to his room.

Feyi stood alone with her thoughts. She has this thing of getting whatever she wants and this is not going to be an exception.


A knock on Dayo's door woke her up the following morning. She sluggishly got out of bed after rubbing her eyes repeatedly. She went over to where she left her phone charging overnight to check the time before heading to the living room of her one bedroom apartment.

"Who is it? " she inquired defensively

"It's me Kunle" the voice replied from outside.

Dayo hissed and reluctantly opened the door. She didn't wait for him to walk in. She left him by the door and went to sit as she supported her jaw with her hands, shaking her legs like an impatient wife.

Kunle shut the door and walked towards her.

"I brought you this" he said, handing over a bunch of rose flowers and a slab of chocolate.

Dayo sized him up with her enormous sexy eyes and hissed.

Kunle dropped the gifts on the center table and sat beside her like he's about to give a sermon.

"Dayo, i know i've wronged you. I'm sorry, so sorry"

Kunle had an idea of how she must be feeling and he regretted ever making her feel that way for someone who's not worth it. Dayo was silent for few seconds, with her legs still shaking.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind?" she finally uttered raising her eyebrows. "Was it because you are scared i'd cajole you to stay overnight?" she stood up and put her hands on her waist. "I know you can't possibly stay here Kunle, I'm not a baby christian" she rants on.

"That's not it Dayo. Of course i know that" Kunle replied defensively.

"You said it yourself that you'd come after work. Is it my fault that you decided to work after office hours?"

Kunle was really getting pissed off but he knew he deserved Dayo's nags. He got up and moved close to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, Dayo brushed his hands off.

"Just let me explain please". Dayo gave him a go ahead look.

Kunle gave an end to end explanation of all that happened, how he was on his way to her place and saw Feyi struggling with her car, how he had to wait till the mechanic came and how he had to take her home. However he hid Feyi's expression of feelings.

"I knew it will be too late coming to your place after dropping her and believe me Dayo, i regretted ever offering to help" he concluded and checked  Dayo's face for any familiar expression but saw none.

"Hmmmmm, it's okay" Dayo replied, sitting down.

Kunle was flabbergasted. He was obviously expecting something dramatic.

"That's it? You ain't gonna say anything?"

She looked up to him and rolled her eyes.

"What were you expecting? Well, you already said you regretted it so that's fine by me. At least it's a proof you won't try it again" she replied with a faint smile and Kunle responded

Kunle and Dayo spent the rest of the day together, gisting, talking and praying like they normally do. Dayo told him about her mum's concern about their marriage plans and he assured her he will talk to his parents about it.

© Toluwanimi Odeniyi


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